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Sunday 20 January 2002

President Bush and the Sanctity of Life

Today is “National Sactity of Human Life Day” according to this White House proclamation.

The real point, of course, is a predictable GOP anti-abortion message. The proclamation specifically mentions the “moral dut[y]” of “caring for children — born and unborn.”

But the proclamation goes on to say that

we should join together in pursuit of a more compassionate society, rejecting the notion that some lives are less worthy of protection than others, whether because of age or illness, social circumstance or economic condition.

It seems to me that having been convicted of murder, or of certain drug offenses which also carry the death penalty, is certainly a “social circumstance”. Yet I don’t think that Bush is going to become any less execution-happy in the wake of this.

Posted by tino at 15:09 20.01.02
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