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TinotopiaLog → Honor Student Expelled For Bread Knife (21 Mar 2002)
Thursday 21 March 2002

Honor Student Expelled For Bread Knife

The knife in question was in the bed of his pickup truck.

School officials have said their hands are tied by the policy, despite the student’s claim that the knife was left by accident after he and his father boxed up his grandmother’s linens, books and kitchenware to drop off at a Goodwill store.

I don’t even have any comments on this story. This sort of thing has become, if not the norm, certainly within the realm of ordinary occurrences.

Posted by tino at 11:43 21.03.02
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In the article it mentions that a state law is responsible for the ‘zero-tolarance’. This is just mirroring the larger trend of centralizing authority in state and federal governments.

Posted by: Paul Johnson at March 21, 2002 10:09 PM

My son brought about 4 oz. of vodka mixed with coke,the soft drink,to school and shared it 50/50 with another student. He was questioned by the principal and told the truth that yes he had and was sorry. The principal gave him a 5 day suspension, the superintendent then suspended him for a year on this first offense. He did what he was always told, tell the truth and take your punishment. As a parent I will no longer allow him to speak unless accompanied by an attorney.

Posted by: Ron Wagner at April 7, 2003 09:15 PM