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Friday 07 November 2003

Ach! Wee Turtles!

I’ve written a few things in the past week or so, but they’ve all petered out after a while. In between, I have been continuing our war on soap scum; we’re still losing, I’m afraid, despite having deployed non-conventional weapons .

There’s also been an onslaught of wee turtles here in the past week. I managed to get a shot of one of them as he raced away from me.

Wee Turtle

Posted by tino at 16:12 7.11.03
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EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I love turtles!!!!

Why are there so many all of a sudden? Also, where are they coming from?

Posted by: Evelynne at November 7, 2003 05:47 PM

I think we got an unusually large crop of wee turtles because it was so wet this year. In previous years, it’s not been that great of an environment for the turtles around our house.

Posted by: Nicole at November 8, 2003 01:04 PM


this website is really funny to whoever made it!!. well this section anyway! because we thought we were the only ones who said ach wee turtles!! we didnt know there actually WERE ach wee turtles in the world. ACH WEE RANDOM TURTLES ROCK. AND PENGUINS.

Posted by: hannah taylor at February 24, 2004 03:36 PM