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TinotopiaLog → Headlines ( 5 Jan 2004)
Monday 05 January 2004


The interesting thing is not that one of the headlines on the front page of today’s Washington Post is “A Triumphant Landing on Mars”. The particularly interesting thing here is that this is not the largest headline on the page.

Washington Post Front Page

Of further interest is the story directly beneath the boxed Mars story, about how many people in China must rely on candles for light because of electricity shortages. Electricity production in China is controlled by the state, and the central planners have, surprisingly enough, misjudged the demand. The Post, of course, intimates that this may be the result of what little competition and liberalization have been introduced to the Chinese electricity business:

But much as the energy shortages in California sparked a rethinking on deregulation, China’s troubles have sown doubts about the virtues of its reforms.

Ah, yes. If only people weren’t doing so many things and using so much electricity, there would be no electricity shortage. If only people would see the virtues of central planning, all these problems would go away.

Posted by tino at 12:39 5.01.04
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