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The Washington Post website’s search feature is entirely useless much of the time. Washington Post reporters do not ‘appreciate’ Technorati links on the Post website. It takes six attempts to find the web version of a column I read in the paper this morning. The BBC’s use of quotation marks in its headlines is interesting. Nerd TV is perhaps fatally flawed by super-low production values. Tino reviews the New Yorker’s eight-DVD electronic archive, concentrating mainly on the deficiencies of the application you have to use to view the stuff. An op-ed column in today’s Washington Post reveals some alarming misunderstandings on the part of the writer. The Washington Post kicks off the new theory: that the federal government’s Hurricane Katrina response was equivalent to the 1993 attack on the cult compound in Waco. TV meta-pundit John Loftus appears even more arrogant than I’d thought. Which is saying something. Motorists traveling on Interstates 10, 20, 59, 65, and 85 are advised to use caution when approaching Alabama, as the state has been reported missing. Local TV news stirs the pot of Random Fear. With video. There are a lot of interesting stories in last week's small-plane-over-Washington kerfuffle. The most interesting, possibly, is the reaction of a Fox News commentator and studio audience. BBC election coverage includes baffling, pointless, and crude satire of George Bush. Newspaper vending machines have almost completely disappeared from Front Royal. They’re hardly ever found outside major urban areas now: it’s likely that the increasing difficulty of purchasing their product is part of the newspaper industry’s slide into irrelevance. Superstars often behave like spoiled children. Over 2300 words, ultimately about the nature of the online media and how what people write online isn't as much of a Window Into Their Souls as you might think it is. BBC Supports Communists, Thinks U.S. Is Source Of All Evil The NBC Nightly News, with Kent Brockman An article in the Post about the U.S. ‘trade deficit’ is utterly baffling. Does no one understand even the rudiments of grammar any more? Bias or Idiocy or possibly both. A single clause in a Washington Post story offers an insight to the way they think down there. The Washington Post calls for the feds to ban guns from airport parking lots in Virginia, presumably so that the airport parking lots can have the same crime rate as other places -- like Washington, DC -- that have strong gun-control laws. DirecTV thinks that C-SPAN is pay-per-view this morning. The Washington Post is featuring another article by Warren Brown where he takes potshots at SUVs and turns out to be provably wrong. There’s nothing wrong with not liking SUVs, even if you’ve got no reason at all: taste is inherently personal and subjective. But when these ‘journalists’ try to justify their prejudices with pseudo-scientific ‘rational’ analysis, they mainly seem to end up making themselves look silly. The Washington Post interestingly mischaracterizes a passenger’s encounter with a Metro station manager. A column in this morning’s Washington Post makes the common mistake of thinking that something must be true if you want it to be badly enough — in this case, that SUVs are the mark of vanity, ego, dilettantism, etc. Debunking statistics included from the Census Bureau. I am not a fan of George Bush, but I have finally had it with the bullshit blind hatred on the Left. TV is lousy, and so are movies. A book review in The Atlantic hints at one reason this might be so, for movies at least. A story about the police in Richmond Heights, Missouri, inspired by today’s Dr. Gridlock column in the Washington Post. Bill Cosby’s remarks on the state of the black ‘community’ have finally produced some responses. Tino provides a recording of his speech. Lazy headline-writing at the BBC inadvertently lets some truth out Paris Hilton is the beneficiary of a masterful PR campaign. The 'news' media fails to see it for what it is, though. $10 is worth about ten dollars. A howler from the BBC. |