Wednesday 08 October 2003 : The War On The Poor (Housing Front)
Montgomery County, Maryland moves closer to its goal of completely outlawing poverty.
Monday 22 September 2003 : Density, Housing for the Poor, and Zoning
Herndon, VA, is shocked -- shocked! -- to discover that poor people are sharing too-expensive housing so that they can afford to live in Fairfax County.
Wednesday 19 February 2003 : Caviar for Everyone!
Requiring that everyone lead a middle-class lifestyle leaves the poor worse off than if they were simply allowed to be poor.
Wednesday 30 October 2002 : Homelessness and Markets
Well-meaning policies meant to reduce 'poverty' actually just outlaw the outward signs of poverty and result in the poor being materially worse-off than they would be in a more laisez-faire environment.